Sunday, December 9, 2012

Let Me..

let me find a destiny all alone..

let me add mystery to it...

let me alone climb the steps 2 success...

let me cry when i have pain..

let me rise alone when i fall down

let me fly high in sky jst to reach the stars..

let me make my path alone

and let me travel alone in it..

let me be myself and let this be my life alone

cause u may not b tere 4 me till my life.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Life may show you
a thousand reasons
to cry...

But its up to you 

to decided whether
to cry or not..

Be bold be strong

cause everyone's life
may be tested...

                                But only the brave will



Sorry cant erase your mistakes
Sorry cant gain your lost respect

Sorry cant get back someones trust

Sorry cant change anything..

Sorry is just a 5 letter word

And be wise by using it less....


In this short life,
lessons are to be learnt,
mistakes are to be erased.
You may lose your love
but never let that lose your hope
Remember that life is to be lived,,,

You may fail but remember

success is not far away
You can cry, but
don't let anyone cry because of you
Remember you have only one life....

 Forget the past,

Forgive your friends
You may be hated by everyone 
but that doesnt mean that
you have to hate everyone.



Sunday, November 11, 2012

A d@rk life

As i walk on the beach
leaving footprints behind
knowing that the next
wave will erase my prints.

Just like that in  life too
knowing that the previous
step will be long erased
erased by someone.

Someone who makes me
more lonely.
Someone who pulls me
hard into dark.

Situation changes..
People changes...
Still i am the one
who is left alone

Left  alone..
All alone to lead a dark life..

Memorie$ 0f u$.

Lying awake in bed
in the breaking dawn
Flashing a thousand
 memories of  us.

Memories which valued
a lot to me and you
Memory which now just
lasts in pics or videos.

We vowed each other that
we will never be apart.
Today we vow that we 
will never come together,

Memory which was 
everything for you till yesterday.
Memories which is
everything foe me even today.

You ended it with a
single good bye. 
But i started it with 
a million tears. 

This both sweet and bitter
memories still last in my heart.
The difference is that today
u keep that memories in your head..

He@rt Beat$

Friendship is the heart beat
of everyone.
Without which ones life
is incomplete.

A beat without which your 
day pass like years.
A beat without which you
are nothing.

A beat whose laugh can
make all your sorrow goes away.
A beat whose touch can
make you asleep.

A beat who stands with you
when you are alone.
A beat who understands you
when all the world deny.

A beat who silence  kills you
more than any weapon.
A beat which u can feel
all along.

A beat which says 
" I'm there no matter
 how far you fall"

I H@ve Me


I have guilt
i am full of it and 
i am  living with it
my  heartbeat says it and 
i feel it in my veins..

I have dark side

i am surrounded by it
i lives partally in it
it realize  me that i am lonely
and will be forever in life..

I have dreams

and have a warm heart longing
to turn it in to reality
i dont know whether i succeed or not
but the fate has been designed

I have smile

which is lost in the dark world
when ever i try to smile
it comes has tears
or in  flames of anger

I have friends..

who take advantage of me
who smiles at me 
and throws stones from back
who wish me to be dead

I have family

who just meet to quarrel
with each other
who  are better of with themself
in their own world

I have aim

to make something out of me
something which will never leave me
something that turns my world
so that once in my life i will  be me..

I have  love

a feeling which never made
any sense to me nor will be in future
sometimes we fight sometimes we cry 
sometimes we laugh in the name of it

I have me

who is strong and capable
of changing ,,,
who comes alone  fight,alone and
survive alone and also leaves alone.....